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Step-by-step guide for Policyholders completing the TMU Management Ltd. Travel Insolvency Chargeback Insurance (TICI) POLICYHOLDER Application form

6 min read



Company Name This is the name you trade under.
Legal NameAs per your incorporation document.
Name of Main Contact Please ensure this contact point is completed (even if they are the same person in some cases). This will allow our team to contact the correct person with any queries. 
Main Contact Job Role  Please enter the job title / position in company of this contact. 
Main Contact Email Address Please enter the email address you would like our Sales Support Team to use in the first instance. 
Company Registration Number As per your incorporation document. 
Entity Type 1. Private or limited company – does not publicly trade shares and is limited to a maximum of 50 shareholders.  

2. Sole trader – you run your own business as an individual and you can keep all your business’s profits after you have paid tax on them. You are personally responsible for any losses your business makes.  

3. Public limited company – a company that has offered shares of stock to the public. The buyers of those shares have limited liability, meaning that they cannot be held responsible for any business losses in excess of the amount they paid for the shares. 
Incorporation or Business Registration Document / Certificate   This helps us verify your business and ensure that you are registered and able to trade. This must show clearly show the name of your company. (Ideally, we would like this document in your own language and English).  
Address  Registered address of your business – you will be asked to provide proof of this address with a utility bill later in the application.  
Office Phone  The best number for us to contact you between 9am – 5pm UK time. 
WebsiteYour company website – we will be checking that this is a valid website and that you clearly display a Privacy Policy, and client.
Utility Bill  Upload a document (dated within the last 3 months) relating to services provided (Wi-Fi, Rent, Gas, Electric or something similar) showing the address provided above. This enables us to verify the registered address of your business. 
Date of formation  This must match your incorporation document.  
Country of Incorporation Please select the country the company was originally registered in.  
Approximate Number of Employees  This is the number of employees including yourself that are employed for your company.  
Total Travel Merchant Acquiring per annum (GBP) - Enter a number for this field. This is the total amount you acquire on travel related MIDs every year. This is not limited to merchants requiring TICI and should be all processing. 
Total Chargeback Value from Merchant Insolvency – Last 5 Years (GBP)  The total amount of chargebacks received as a result of travel merchant insolvencies for the last 5 years. Chargebacks (sometimes referred to as a ‘Dispute’) arise when a cardholder queries a transaction with their card issuer. 
Current security tools employed by AcquirerDelayed Settlement – a delay in sending funds 
Rolling Reserve – A rolling reserve withholds a percentage of a merchant’s gross credit card sales in a non-interest-bearing account. The funds are held for a predetermined amount of time before the processor releases money to the merchant’s bank account. 
Fixed Deposit – a fixed amount of money held in your account 
External Trust – monies held by an external organisation 
Other – If other, please explain other security measures employed 
Please explain security measures employed Please provide more detail on the security measures selected in the above question.
Please upload documentation indicating how you are underwriting the risk?  Please provide documentation for any other cover you have to reduce your risk. 
How many prospective merchants will you require cover for?  How many sub merchants will you be requiring chargeback insurance for. 
Account Signatory  This should be the person completing this form who is duly authorised to take such an undertaking and will be the responsible contact for the account. The Signatory must be a director of the company.  
Signatory Full Name  Full name as per photo ID
Signatory Date of Birth As per photo ID
Signatory Phone  The best number for us to use between 9am – 5pm UK time.  
Signatory Declaration Tick this box to confirm you are a director of the business submitting this application and duly authorised to make this representation.  

Individuals (Above 10%)  
TMU Management Ltd. have a requirement to hold this information for all stakeholders who have the power to make business decisions. 

– Type – Shareholder Only or Shareholder & Director 
– Full Name of Individual as per photo ID 
– % Ownership – the % of the company that this owned by this individual 
– Passport or Photo Identification Number  
– Date of Birth: must match your photo ID 
– Country of Citizenship as per your photo ID 
– Photo Identification Copy: This ID must have a unique reference, show your date of birth and country of citizenship, and must still be valid. 

Corporate (Above 10%)  
TMU Management Ltd. have a requirement to hold this information for all stakeholders who have the power to make business decisions.  

– Full Name of Company 
– Company registration number or ID 
– Country of registration / formation 
– % Ownership  
Other Directors TMU Management Ltd. have a requirement to hold this information for all stakeholders who have the power to make business decisions.  

– Full Name of Individual  
– Date of Birth
– Country of Citizenship as per your photo ID 
– Politically Exposed Person (PEP) – This defaults to NO please select Yes if this director holds a prominent position in public life. 
Memorandum & Articles of Association (or alternative evidence of ownership) Please upload a document showing shareholding / ownership, also known as a shareholder directory.  
Notification Email Address  Please enter the email address you would like to receive notifications from the TMU System.  
Day to Day Contact  Please ensure this contact point is completed (even if they are the same person in some cases). This will allow our team to contact the correct person with any queries.  
Day to Day Contact Job Title  Please enter the job title / position in company of this contact.  
Day to Day Contact Email  Please enter the email address you would like our Support Team to use in the first instance.
Technical Contact  Please ensure this contact point is completed (even if they are the same person in some cases). This will allow our team to contact the correct person with any queries. 
Technical Contact Job Title  Please enter the job title / position in company of this contact.
Technical Contact Email  Please enter the email address you would like our Support Team to use for technical queries. 
Accounts Contact  Please ensure this contact point is completed (even if they are the same person in some cases). This will allow our team to contact the correct person with any queries. 
Accounts Contact Job Title  Please enter the job title / position in company of this contact.  
Accounts Contact Email  Please enter the email address you would like our Support Team to use for accounts queries.  
Website Terms and conditions  This is essential and must be featured on your website before we can proceed with your application. Please ensure that this covers information such as; your refunds, cancellation, no show and force majeure policy etc. It is important that your clients have access to this information prior to processing with you.
Website Privacy Policy  This is important and must be featured on your website before we can proceed with your application. Please ensure that your Privacy Policy explains to your clients how you handle and store their personal data. It is important that your clients have access to this information prior to processing with you.   If you are unsure about what your privacy policy should contain, please check websites such as:   
Data Consent  Please tick the box to consent that you are happy for Trust My Group to process personal data relating to the entity(s) and individual(s) included in this application for limited and proportionate use in compliance with: 
Submitted by Please enter your full name. 

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